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Friday, September 17, 2010


It’s a late night after of along day of school. I progress my way out into freezing cold to find myself surprised by the snow. I walk across the snow covered lot towards my car, I noticed my windshield has a layer of ice. It felt like I was out there forever before I was able to get into my car. I rubbed my hands together while the car warmed my frozen body. When I finally get the feeling back into my hands I drive cautiously towards home.
The wind is blowing furiously as I open the hatches of the nacelle. I feel the breeze roll across my skin as the sweat begins to pour. My breathing starts to settle as I learn against the side of the generator. I look out over the side to gaze down eighty meters. From this height everything seems so distant and I enjoy the feeling.
Its late when I finally get to bed, I lay down on the black leather seat right before I start to see the sun light make its way up over the horizon. I grab the blanket off the floor and feel the urge to let my mind just vanish. A sudden jerk awakens me and I look up to see white covered mountains and dark green pine trees. As I look through the window I can see the sun shimmer off the snow and I feel the excitement surge through me.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Map Part 2

This is a road map of Arcadia, Wisconsin. I decided to do a map of my hometown since I know a great detail of the area. The main roads are the only ones labeled because they are only important to the viewer from this altitude. If they chose to descend further they would see more of the smaller streets and the main ones in greater detail. Less detail is shown because it would be a big mess on the page if they tried putting everything on the map, so they do what needs to be shown for the viewer at this height. This shows the viewer, if they came to town, where they would find all the main attractions in town by the labeled streets. The only thing I dislike about this photo is that it doesn’t show any important buildings in the area relative to the labeled streets. I think it would be beneficial, even to road maps, to have marked locations in town so people know where to find restaurants, gas stations, stores, and schools.